Monday 2 April 2018


There is our first Easter with a bunny. But she is a not-so-easter bunny. Our family tradition leading up to Easter isn't about Easter bunnies bringing chocolates but opening up a Resurrection Egg each day and talking about Jesus and his "Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love" 

On on Easter morning, we hid Easter eggs. The kids run around in a frenzy to collect them. In 42 seconds they collect all the eggs. (If only they could move this fast when it's time to get out the door for school).

They open their eggs that have puzzle pieces inside. They work on putting the message together.

 Finished! He is Risen!

Cue the chocolate. Cue the bunny. And even though this bunny isn't bringing chocolates, she sure brings out big smiles in these two!

 ~ Happy Easter ~