Monday 29 July 2024

Birthday letter to my TEEANAGE girl.

 To my beautiful girl,

     13. Today. How did this happen? You are an inch from being the same height as me, you wear my shoes, you're going to high school after the summer and you're not a little girl anymore. You wanted to redecorate your room and honestly, it was a little sad peeling off all the adorable little woodland creature decals off your used to love that pink owl and the little bird art. You don’t want to sleep in the pink and white whale bed anymore, and that bed used to belong to me so it was a bit sad to process you’re not so little anymore.

 As sad as ut was to see the little girl bed go, it was really amazing to new bed assembled and new bedroom decor while you were at camp for a week. I really wanted to have one of those Extreme Home Makeover moments where you walk in and see your new transformed room. It was worth watching the YouTube video multiple times and put that bed together in time for you to be so surprised.

    Wasn't it just yesterday that you were this squishy toddler with a wild mop of wispy curly hair? 

    Just last month was your last day of elementary school, you have been so blessed to have so many amazing teachers and friends. Some of those friends (like Nala and Alexa) you have known you since they were born (like you literally met Nala hours after she was born and Auntie Rachael and I prophesized that you two would be besties for life).

 Some of those friends (like Ella) you have known since you were in kindergarten and some of those friends you have made in your years of elementary school.

     I'm really glad you have found such a solid friend group - they are fun, quirky and have good hearts just like you do. As you walked out those doors for the last time as elementary girls, I pray that as you walk in the doors as high school girls this fall, I pray you will be girls who are kind, grateful and love people immensely. 

    So a bit of a confession, your dad and I really have no idea what we were doing in terms of parenting, especially with a newborn. When you were born, being first-time parents, we tried to do everything right and then soon realized that there are so many different opinions of what is 'right'. I remember one nurse telling us to clip our fingernails so you don't scratch yourself and another nurse told us never use nail clippers but to gently chew off your nails! And one nurse said to let you breastfeed whenever you wanted and another nurse said to be on a schedule. I didn't want to mess you up and it was really overwhelming with all the advice and 'rules' from other people. Do I let you 'cry it out' and sleep train you or do I rush to you whenever you cry?  I remember being so anxious when they let us leave with you at the hospital, we didn’t know what to do! You were so tiny, you grasped daddy’s finger in your delicate little hands and I knew my world would never be the same. 

    This picture was from your 3rd birthday. I can't believe that was a decade ago. Those were the bleary-eyed, exhausting days of parenthood. You were 3 and your little brother was almost 1. I don’t remember a lot, I didn’t sleep much trying to keep up with you and your baby brother…

    And now today, I feel so blessed seeing you blow out the candles to your 13th birthday cake.

    Somehow even though your dad and I had no idea what we were doing, by grace of God, you are so beautiful inside and out. You have a kind heart and you think about other people. You are intelligent and a voracious reader, you are working on collecting a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf of books. You have always loved animals and in the last decade, bunnies have been your favourite. 

    In the classroom and with people you don't know, you are a silent listener. The reoccurring comment on your report card from Kindergarten to Grade 7 was some form of, "Natallie is encouraged to share her thoughts and participate in class discussions." That's OK, I know you are listening and learning. You have lots of thoughts; if you're at home or with your friends, you laugh a lot and you have so much to say. And especially with your brother, he can bring the crazy out of you and make you laugh like no other person in the world. I hope you continue to grow in your friendship with each other. It’s really special what you guys have. Treasure it!

I hope you are feeling the love on your 13th birthday. You have so many people that love and adore you and so many people that have been praying for you since the day you were born. May you continue to walk with God as you mature. I can't believe you are a teenager today, I am so proud to be your mama. I know you're not so little anymore but you'll always be my firstborn and my beautiful baby girl.   

Love you to the moon and back, Nallie! 


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