Wednesday 28 May 2014

milk carton kid

It was Mother's Day just a few weeks ago. It was a perfect picnic. We were all eating sushi and cake at Central park. I was preoccupied with feeding Noah in his stroller. Simon was playing with special effects on the camera. My sister was talking to my parents about her upcoming move and the craziness going on at work and then all of a sudden Simon says, "Where's Natallie?"  I look up. I don't see her anywhere. I drop the spoonful of mashed potatoes and start running around our picnic table calling her name. My heart starts beating a million times faster. I instantly start thinking the worst, "Oh no, she's gone. Someone has taken her. On Mother's Day. Oh no. Oh God no."

Simon took this picture right before she wandered off

We ran to nearby picnic tables calling her name. I ask a few people if they've seen a little girl with curly brown hair. I start thinking of missing kids on a milk carton (they probably don't do that anymore but you don't think rational thoughts when you're brain is in panic mode).

Then finally, after only a few minutes (although they were horrible, panic stricken minutes), I hear Simon yell, "I GOT HER!"

Thank you Jesus.

Simon was able to think more rationally and decided to check the playground which was sort of in view from our picnic area but still a fairly far distance away from where we were. She was happily climbing up to the slide when Simon found her. Not a clue that everyone else was having severe heart palpitations and speeding up the greying hair process.
ran away to this slide

Anyways, after that incident I have tried really hard to explain to her that she can't wander off but if she ever were to get separated from me, would she be able to tell people her name or my name or anything that would help her get back to me?  She still gets mixed up with her name and how old she is. When people ask, "What's your name?"  she proudly hold up two pudgy toddler fingers and exclaims, "TWO!!!!"
"What's your name?" "TWO!!!"

So I started to do some research into what would be the most durable form of child ID in case she ever got lost again. Ideally, I would like to implant a GPS device in her that would also detect trouble and instantly pepper spray bad people (and maybe mean dogs too) or maybe some sort of protective shield could pop up or give her super powers. But a device like that is not yet on the market so in the meantime while some Dragon Den entrepreneur is working on that idea, I have got these awesome ID bracelets for both kids (not that Noah is going very far these days but if he's anything like his sister, he will learn to go from walking to sprinting away very quickly).

I wanted something durable and kid-proof and essentially have them never, ever take it off until they are 19 and move out. It's a slim silicone band and laser engraved with their name and both mom and dad's phone number. The company actually makes most of the bands for elite athletes like marathoners and cyclist that could be injured while on the road but "wrist ID slim" in XS fits even Noah.

So all I can continue to do is pray each day that God keeps my precious babies safe and urge someone to make a GPS device that kids can wear all the time and also has function where fire breathing dragons are emitted if they are ever in trouble. 

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