Tuesday 9 June 2015

Run for Gwatermala.

 Natallie woke up Saturday morning excited for "the great race"! She picked up her pink Frozen T-shirt, blue shorts and her Frozen running shoes convinced that the outfit would make her faster.
The kids were all so excited to have official race bibs. Natallie wanted to be number 1 but quickly got over that number 1 wasn't available so settled for 4260. Haha.

We cheered for the Brian (superstar dad) who ran 5K with his twins and was the first male to finish the race!

 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, GO! Natallie ran through the starting line and kept a great pace the entire 1K with me running with Noah in the stroller. At one point, she said she needed to hold my hand but as soon as she saw the finish line, she got the adrenaline burst she needed to finish strong all by herself.
 The girls all give eachother a victory cheer! Your little legs sure do go fast!
 Natallie was clearly feeling the post-run hype because she wanted to run the toddler 50K dash too. She was so keen on running that she did it back and forth about 10 times.

 Noah ran part of his race and then I ran ahead to try to get a picture of him and then he started to cry and refused to run.

 And then Noah and Natallie stole the finish line balloons and ran away with them.
 Then auntie Rainbee told her she could keep the finish line balloons and she was thrilled.
 But maybe not as thrilled as getting to meet Anna and Elsa! She is wearing her Frozen shirt and Frozen shoes in the picture (you know you're Frozen-obsessed when......)
Thank you to everyone who supported Natallie and Noah, together they raised $400! That gives 4 people access to clean water for LIFE. I believe the grand total raised was over $71,000! That is incredible. So glad that Natallie got to participate in an event that is going to change hundreds of lives for the better!

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