Saturday 27 January 2018

Steps to an epic Surprise Party...

Getting birthday presents for my kids is easy, I could probably find 10 things just at Dollarama but for my husband, there isn't really anything that he needs...I decided the best present wouldn't be anything from a store but an evening with his guy friends and of course surprise parties are more fun than regular parties right???
So step 1 - Wait til your husband is sleeping and find phone numbers of his guys friends and text them secretly.

Step 2 - Come up with a legit reason to get him out of the house. Couldn't do this without enlisting help from friends from our community group. We planned a guys night out and Simon went out to the restaurant not suspecting a single thing. Meanwhile, all the his guys friends came over while he was out.

Step 3- Time it perfectly so after he is done at the restaurant, everyone is ready.....and SURPRISE!
Step 4 - Get the party started with my version of Speak Out where the birthday boy has to say lines from his favorite movies and everyone has to guess
 And lastly step 5 - Order a cake (which I had to hide it stealthy in a friend's fridge until party day) and set it off with pyro-technic candles...
Thank you for everyone for coming out ! Some of you have known Simon for a decade or more and some of you are newer friends but we were talking last night about how blessed he feels to be doing life with such a awesome group of guys. And thank you to all the moms that graciously tackled bedtime on their own so the dads could come out and hang out. Much love to you all!

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