Tuesday 30 June 2020

The Fun House at Cutlus.

With everything going the way it is in 2020, we were used to getting cancelation notices weekly in our inbox. BMO Marathon- cancelled. Kids Sunrype Triathalon - cancelled. Tour de Victoria race - cancelled. Air BnB in Osoyoos - cancelled. Trip to Ontario - cancelled. There's been a lot of dissapointment the last few months so it was a much welcomed bit of joy that the summer house we have been rented the last few years at Cultus Lake did not cancel our reservation. Hooray!

When the kids were younger they didn't understand what a rental house was so we started calling it a 'fun house' instead and we still do that now. I had to work a week after kids finished 'covid school' and it has been an intense term.  And up til June, our family had kept our distance from my parents and my sister but we stayed altogether in the Cutlus Fun House and it was some much needed rest and relaxation.                    

And here is Little Bro narrating his first jump off the dock (there were many, many, many, many more jumps after this one...)
It was good that we got a day of sunshine because the second day was cold, rainy and SO windy. We stayed inside all morning playing board games and doing family workout videos but by the afternoon we tried to suck it up and go for a paddle. We got out there but it was so hard to paddle against the wind. It was deja vu as I kept seeing the same dock over and over again because I couldn't get past it. My sister and her friend had an unfortunate incident which landed both of them in the choppy waters - whose fault it was is still yet to be determined...
Despite the less than summer weather, it was wonderful that in the midst of a global pandemic, we could have a few days to be together, play together and remember that family is the bestest. 💟

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