Monday 2 November 2020

Pumpkin nostalgia.

Earlier in October, the kids were invited to a Covid friendly birthday playdate at the pumpkin patch. 
I think Covid and the months of limited social contact has made the kids appreciate a simple play date so much more. They were so excited to run around the pumpkin patch and willingly posing for pictures at every photo set-up. The fields were so mucky - like knee-deep slop - but they all had rain boots and didn't care. The boys found a pumpkin in the corn field and had a great game of muddy pumpkin soccer.
Between the pumpkin patch and the gorgeous Dalia fields, there was no shortage of picture perfect shots and I had the cutest models

And of course after you bring home the perfect pumpkin you have to carve it. The kids were so excited about the idea of pumpkin carving. 
Emphasis on the word idea. When it came to actually scooping up the inside of the pumpkin they realized it is rather unglamorous.
Cue the priceless expressions.
The actual pumpkins did turn out pretty great though.

And then came Halloween. Yee-haw. 

Covid Halloween meant lots of people had bowls outside of their house, handing out goody bags with tongs or the kid's favorite were the houses that had a candy chute. There was no shortage of sweets.
I love that the kids still get excited about going to the pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins, and planning matching costumes. I wonder how many years we have left of this before they think they are too old for this. It didn't seem too long ago when they were at the pumpkin patch for the first time...

These pumpkins are growing up too fast. Still working on some way to freeze time so the years go by slower but until then, I better just  take it all in and enjoy it.

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