Sunday 12 September 2021

letter to my 8-year-old son

"Do you want to have a birthday party or go to Whistler for your birthday?"


So here we are...

To my sweet Noah:

It's your birthday today and you and your sister are still sleeping in the hotel room. You woke up the day before at 6:30 am too excited about being in Whistler. The hotel had made-to-order breakfast that you cook in your room and we tried to cook quietly while Dad and Nallie kept sleeping. It reminded me off all the early years when you would only sleep in less than 2 hours intervals and it always always just me and you and the stillness of the night. By the way, thank you for deciding to sleep more than 2 hours after your 2nd birthday, I've always loved you but I definitely liked you a lot more after you started sleeping.

I love your adventurous spirit. Maybe it's because you always had your big sister to compete with but you have always been keen to adventure with us. Skiing with the ski leash when you were 2, hiking the Grind before you were 3, backpacking to Garibaldi Lake before you turned 6, and this weekend - I was pretty pleased that you picked the 'experience gift' of going to Whistler rather a birthday party. Quality time together on the trails was pretty special.

You are getting more brave and confident on your bike. It was so fun to explore the Lost Lake trails together. We made it to Lost Lake. You were eager to show me how to do the pump track.

After this summer, you have gained so much confidence in the water too. You loved the hotel pool. I loved that I could watch you do your cannonballs and jumps into the water from the hot tub. Win-Win.

You are such a social boy and you love your friends. You were lucky that the Sieberts drove up to Whistler for the day to spend time with you. 

The hotel sent a special card and chocolate so you woke up to a special treat. You were so happy to get your piggy birthday card and a special stuffy from Dad and me. 

We just had our family pizza party tonight. You are the only grandson on both sides of the family so you get a lot of love.

 When I was tucking your sister in tonight I asked her to pray for you and she said, "Dear God, thank you for Noah, when he's not annoying me or complaining too much, he's the best brother ever." Oh honest prayer. But really, it really is a blessing that most of the time, you and your sister are happier together than apart. I pray that as you grow up that your relationship with your sister continues to deepen and that you can be there for each other for many years to come. I pray that you continue to grow in understanding of  appreciating all the blessings you have and continue to grow in kindness and generosity to the people around you. 

Tonight when Dad was tucking you into bed, you were sobbing. When Dad asked you why you were crying, you said "Because I'm growing up too fast!" Awww...I know. I can't believe you're 8 already but know that even if you're getting to be too big to carry, you will always be my little Noey bear and I love you to the moon and back. 

 Happy birthday sweetheart. 

Love Mama

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