Saturday 20 October 2012

No boob before bed

It's been 2 weeks now that (most of the time), I am able to put Natallie to sleep at night without nursing her! And she is still sleeping through the night! Yippee *insert happy dance* I only nurse her in the morning now, just once a day! Wow, what a difference compared to a year ago! The picture above was taken at the hospital when she was less than 12 hours old. It's so crazy the way God designed mothers to do this. I mean I can't believe Natallie grew inside me for 9 months, and then after a lot of pain, she came out of me all purple-faced and squishy and covered in yucky white slime. Then my boobs are her exclusive source of nourishment for the next 6 months. I remember for the first several weeks it was such a struggle to get my milk to come in. Natallie had to take some formula and she drank it in a teeny, tiny little cup. I didn't know newborns had cup-drinking skills but apparently they do! The nurses told us to do it this way so it doesn't cause "nipple-confusion". Then I took the magic milk pills that my doctor prescribed and voila, instant dairy bar and milk squirting abundantly across the room!

Simon feeding Natallie with a cup!
 Now that I'm only nursing in the mornings, it makes me think of the early days when she was nursing every 2 hours around the clock. The days where I felt like I did absoluetly nothing but feed her and stare at the puke-stains on my carpet and coutning the bumps in our popcorn ceiling. It was like time stood still. I rememer wishing that I could just get Natallie to the stage where she was not nursing during the day so I could didn't have to plan my outfits around how easily I could get my boob out. And then after that happened, I wished I could get to the point where my boob didn't have to be part of the bedtime routine so I could dare I say, go out in the evening. But now that it's happened, I kinda miss all that exclusive time I had with her. Natallie is so active that I can never get her to stay still and cuddle anymore. I miss the days where she would fall asleep in my arms after I nursed her and I could see the milk puddle in her multiple neck folds. Now when I'm nursing her in the mornings, I am taking the time to savour the moment, I play with her pudgy hands and breathe in her baby hair. Because I know that pretty soon, she won't want to nurse in the mornings either.

Now just a few more months and no more dairly bar at all....and hoping Natallie's first word will be 'mom' and not 'moooo'!


  1. There's something about kids that even though the independence in us years to be free, we are inexplicably bound in emotion, bond and loyalty to giving our children the best we can. And then we look back on those moments, wishing for them again, yet happy to be on to the next page. Looking forward to seeing Natalie grown and develop in the next year.

  2. Hey katherine, I totally agree, you've worded it better than I could. Every time Natallie out grows a set of clothes I'm a liitle sad when I pack them away yet excited that she's just a little bit bigger. And every step of independence is so exciting yet I am saddened she needs me just a little less! Such a contradiction of emotions!

  3. I totally understand your feeling as I've totally enjoyed the very short moment when I nursed you & Rainbow.I wwished I do not have to get back to work so soon .... I was feeling sad too when it's over.

  4. Nicely written Vanessa, a little funny, a little sad. Time goes by so quickly.
