Thursday 11 April 2013

Daddy's biggest fan

I think one of the best things about having a child is this precious age where they look up to you. Natallie always tries to copy what Simon does. Simon was taking apart our bed since we're moving and Natallie was right there beside him, picking random tools to "help".
watching how to take apart the bed

monkey see! monkey do!
Simon is a big hockey fan. If he had the chance to learn to skate, I'm sure he would have drafted into the NHL but that aside, Simon plays ball hockey every Tuesday night. Before Natallie was born, I had gone a few times to watch but its so late at night that Natallie has never had the chance to watch. Today, Simon was playing in the Battle of the Balls hockey tournement and it started at 6:00pm so since it was before her bedtime, I took Natallie to go watch Daddy in action. It was so cute to see her get excited every time Simon ran across the gym close to where she was standing. She would point and say "Da da da!!" I was suprised Natallie even recognized which one was Simon since everyone on his team was wearing the same shirt color. Hopefully, Natallie will get to watch Simon play a few more times until we reverse roles and Natallie is playing her first soccer game or tee-ball or her first dance recital. I really can't wait for that. I can't wait to sit on the bleachers with the video camera and cheer for whatever she's doing. 
Natallie cheering for dad on the bleachers

sharing dad's Gatorade at break time

eww! dad is so sweaty!

love you Da-da!
Oh and just to brag, Simon did get the Most Valued Player on his team award. But I think the most important thing to him is the best dad award and Natallie will agree he gets that one hands down.


  1. This just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I agree with Natallie, he's the best Dad ever.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Natallie is surely the most adorable "monkey" on earth. I love reading your blog! You've caught the best expression of both Natallie & Simon.
