Sunday 28 April 2013

Only child status expires Sept 2013.

To my little sweet pea:
Can you believe it?! We've made it halfway already, maybe 20 or less weeks until we get to meet you! We are so excited! Your big sister has no idea what is coming. I tried to explain to her that you were inside and that she should be gentle and kiss my belly lots. The good part is that she does come up to me all the time and kisses my belly but she kisses Daddy's belly too so I think we'll have to wait til you are actually here before she understands that her only child status is expiring very soon.


17 weeks

Being pregnant with you hasn't felt vastly different than when I was pregnant with your sister Natallie. In general, I am way more exhausted but I think that's your sister's fault and not you. Natallie won't stay still for a second so keeping up with her while you're growing inside is quite the gruelling workout. And I haven't felt very sick at all. Other than those two days where I couldn't get out of bed and puking all day but your dad came home from work puking too and I was so so so happy to realize it was the stomach flu and not morning sickness.
19 weeks

19 weeks

19 weeks

We had our ultrasound last week and the technician said you were very squirmy and she had a hard time getting your measurements because you wouldn't stay still. You and your sister sound alike already. I don't know what I'm going to do with two active little monkeys, maybe I won't need to train for another half-marathon to lose the baby weight...maybe just being your mom will be enough! I already feel you kicking around in there and I love it. I think you're giving me high fives when I put my hand on my belly. You even gave us a thumbs up when we had the ultrasound. That's reassuring that you approve of your current accomodations!
Thumbs up baby!

Keep growing little baby and by the end of summer or early fall, we are looking forward to meeting you!
20 weeks

Love you to the moon and back,


  1. Congratulations, Simon & Vanessa!!

  2. Ok, so I'm sitting boo-hooing all by myself. This is just so beautiful Vanessa. You really have a wonderful gift of writing and I'm so glad you are sharing it this way. The pictures are just awsome too.

  3. yay!! I'm excited to meet your new baby!
