Thursday 9 January 2014

something special

Are you saving something special to pass down to your kids one day? There is a large portion of our storage downstairs that is filled with my childhood treasures. I've got vintage Barbies, trolls, my little Pony and even an almost complete collection of Simpson Pogs! (Remember Pogs??) Well there is one really special thing that has been stored at my mom's house and I finally got to give it to Natallie this week! It's my bed! My much-loved childhood bed. This bed is one of a kind (well my sister has a replica but other than that I do not know of anyone who has this bed). It is a pink and white bed in the shape of a whale. Its got a big hole on the side where my sister and I had spent many days sticking our heads through and talking about the day our heads would get stuck in it. It has another bed that pulls out from underneath the top bed. When my sister and I had "sleepovers" with each other, we were so excited to sleep in the pull-out bed in each other's rooms instead of the regular top bed.  There were so many heart to heart sister talks lying in those beds talking about what we thought of school, why that girl was so mean and didn't share any of her snack, who was the cute boy in school and maybe he would be at the school dance.

See?? Here I am standing proudly with my pumpkin on my whale bed (don't judge my clothing, I didn't know any better and it was the 90s)

And now my cherished pink whale bed is in my beautiful girl's room. And it matches perfectly. There is something really special about tucking your daughter in the bed that you remember being tucked into when you were a child.

I am a little jealous of how nice Natallie's room is. Everything matches perfectly. You'll see happy little bird decals and a canvas painting when you walk in.

 I made little pink lanterns with her pictures on the bottom.
There's a huge tree decal where one day Natallie will be tall enough to be eye level with the owls.
And she just got a new owl lamp for Christmas. When I come in after naps or in the morning, she rushes over to turn the light on. I am shocked she doesn't turn on the light or get out of bed until I tell her its okay

I hope she will have as many happy memories in this room and many sleepovers with her friends on the whale bed. Maybe there will be tea parties, secrets shared and tearful prayers in this room. Right now, we just read and dance in her room. Yes, she loves to dance in her room. You can watch her strut her stuff here. (I love that in the video, Noah is just sitting like a blob on the chair while Natallie is dancing up a storm! One day dear Noah, you will get your groove on with her sister!)

It really is something special to snuggle into the whale bed with Natallie in the morning. I am so glad she loves her new bed. The only other really significant thing I'd love to pass down or at least show Natallie is my wedding dress but I'll have to wait at least 20 years for that special something moment and if the internet is still around when that happens, I'll be sure to blog about it.


  1. Love your blog! The video of Natallie dancing is hilarious!
    One of the pink knob for the bed posts is missing again in one of the photos! Do ask Simon to fix it before it got lost again :=)

  2. the passing on of the whale bed, a class Choi piece of furnishing :) but who...WHO will get the massive Garfield head?! It looks so lovely in her room, and imagine - the day she is eye-to-eye with the owl...she'll be a big girl. I loved seeing Noah sitting chill as a cucumber with free entertainment from his big sis.
