Tuesday 9 August 2016

Foam Festivities.

July 16 2016
It all started when Rachael, Kristin and I were with our kiddos cheering "Go Dad Go!" at the last bike race. Our husbands were buzzing with adrenaline at the finish line and were checking out their medals...we decided that we needed to do a race and get our own medals. The only problem was that none of us really had time to train for anything that actually required much physical stamina. They don't give medals for picking up toys off the floor or making it to preschool drop off on time (never mind, I never make it on time anyways). But we really wanted to do an event together AND get a medal for it which began our search for something just made for us....

Then Rachael found Foam Fest. When we signed up for it, we didn't know much about it. Just that it would involve inflatable slides and some foam and it was in Sun Peaks which meant ROAD TRIP!

We found a perfect house in Sun Peaks that fit all three families with enough bedrooms for 6 adults and 6 kids - and it had a hot tub.

We were envisioning that race day would be a sweltering hot day and we would be frolicking in the foam over some little obstacles and then gracefully gallop towards the finish line. Well on race day morning it looked like it was going to rain and it was cold, SO cold but we had bought matching tank tops and if we opted for warmth and wore hoodies we wouldn't match anymore. So of course we made the only logical decision - we opted for fashion over function and we shivered our way to the starting line.

 It actually ended up being a good idea to ditch the hoodies because we got soaked in mud pretty much 5 minutes after we started the race. There were rope obstacles to climb over and under, foamy water slides and sinking mud pits that we crawled through. Brian (Kristin's husband) tried to follow us through as much of the course as he could and took most of these fabulous action shots. There was also one section of the race where the kids were able to see us and cheer us on. They just looked really puzzled and asked us why we were so dirty...I guess its hard for them to understand that sometimes mommy needs a break from being mom-like and just have some foamy fun!

 It was so fun to do a race where it really wasn't about setting a fast record but laughing through each of the obstacles and of course we all got our hot pink medals and much deserved soak in the hot tub after!
Oh and apparently this is the only obstacle course race in B.C. where the minimum age requirement is only 8 years old so in 3 years we might have a little Foam Fest entourage trailing behind us....just wait and see!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your medals girls. Congratulations Brian for such great photos. He really got some good ones. Looks like it was great fun. Love your blogs Vanessa.
