Thursday 25 March 2021

Hey kids, wait up for your mama!

3 moms and 7 kids.

3.7 km roundtrip.

535 m of elevation.

At the top in just over an hour!

We thought we would have to encourage and possibly bribe the children to make it to the top but the magical thing that happens when you hike with friends (especially all boys)  is the competition instantly kicks in and it’s the three moms that are left breathless and in the dust yelling, "Hey kids, wait up for mom!" They stormed up that mountain so wasn't that long ago when they were toddlers in hiking back packs, how are they this much faster than us now?

The kids loved the part with the ladders and chains or I assume they liked that part, we didn't actually see them do it because they were so far ahead of us...

The frolicked up the steep parts like mountain goats...

We were at the top quicker than it takes for the kids to get ready for school most days...
Last time we hiked the Chief, there was no view because it was such a foggy day. Today redeemed all that, the view was GLORIOUS...

I cannot believe we were in the parking lot an hour or so ago and now on top of the world

So I guess we've reached the milestone where the kids can out-hike the moms...they scampered back down the trail like little squirrels while the moms all tried to keep them in our sight being careful with our weak ankles and achy knees. 

But alas, we must have done something right if they still want to go hiking with their moms and at the end of the hike, at least every mom had one kid that slowed down enough to hold hands and hike together for a little while. They were not tired when we got back to the parking lot, they would have gone further to the second and third peak if we had let them. That just means the adventure continues and we'll be back!

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