Monday 22 March 2021

Let's Go for a Drive!

Two of our good friends just got 4x4 trucks and that meant we needed to go for a drive and plan for an adventure...

Start with a remote location (campground past Harrison Hot Springs)

Add some friends

Give all the kids 2-way radios

Add arm them each with a  Nerf gun

And let them run wild and free in the campground

Our friends came prepared with tent shelters so even with the scattered showers we were  able to chill by the campfire and relax. We kept one of the radios and it was so entertaining listening to the conversation during their epic Nerf gun battle

"I'm hiding behind the rock. Over!"

"They saw us, run for it! Over!"

"May Day! May Day! Over!"

"Back up! Back up!  I need back up! Over!"

We brought our camping stove and chef Simon sautéed hotdogs (with a hatchet of course)

After lunch, we explored the trails together, the trees look straight out of a Dr. Seuss book

We even stumbled along an amazing waterfalls

I would highly recommend bringing walkie-talkie radios and Nerf guns on the next family adventure again. The kids had the radios on the 2 hour drive home and it was pretty amusing listening to the running commentary as they talked to their friend... "We passed the blue car, did you pass it yet? Over!" "We saw Sasquatch on a sign, over!" "We are at a red light, I repeat we are at a red light, over!"

Til the next adventure. Over!

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